Wednesday, October 3, 2012

News Roundup, Oct. 3rd

By Gabriella Landeros

Obama and Romney presidential debate
Tonight, President Obama and Mitt Romney hit their first presidential battle for a 90-minute debate. Most of the nation will be watching as this election is getting down to the wire. It will occur at the University of Denver, with a 6 p.m. PDT starting time. Read more in the Los Angeles Times.
Link to live streaming: YouTube Politics
Illegal immigrant deportation flights
A U.S. program announced in February to fly illegal immigrants to Mexico City will occur over a two-month period. It will involve 20 flights, and according to Richard Marosi from the L.A. Times, this method means “a significant scaling-back of what was billed as a humanitarian effort to avoid deporting people to violent border regions.” Read the full story in the Los Angeles Times.
Tomato prices and imports at risk for U.S. and Mexico
Some American farmers are cutting tomato imports from our neighbors down South, Mexico. This will mean higher prices for U.S. consumers and less business for Mexico. According to some farmers in the U.S. it’s a difficult situation because Mexico has created a higher production rate of tomatoes, causing competition for California’s tomato growing season. Read the full story in the Los Angeles Times.

News roundup for

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